Road Closure: County ES south leg closure at WIS 20
Due to the weather forecast for Friday-Sunday and other road condition issues, they are moving the planned 21-Day closure of the south leg of County ES to Wednesday, May 1st instead of Monday. See updated flyer with details. The message boards will be updated tonight or tomorrow morning to reflect the new date.
1) Access to Dollar General is available by using the median opening by McDonald’s/Shell and using the WIS 20 EB lanes to get to their driveway.
2) During the County ES closure, WIS 20 will remain open for access.
This Week:
1) Continue road excavation and rock placement. Slow going for now and working directly under the I-43 bridges (equipment can’t move as easily) will also affect the operations.
Next Week:
1) Finish roadway excavation and stone placement.
2) Begin County ES south leg closure – removals, storm sewer, roadway excavation, rock placement
Future Work (2 weeks+)
1) Continue work inside the County ES Closure. Expected to reopen prior to May 23rd and Memorial Day weekend.