Town of Troy Tax Bills should be arriving by December 14, 2018.
Tax Collection hours are as follows:
MONDAY-THURSDAY 9:00 AM UNTIL 3:00 PM. We will be closed December 24, 25, 31, 2018 as well as January 1, 2019.
The last day for in person Tax Payments to be credited in 2018 will be FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2018 FROM 4:00 PM UNTIL 7:00 PM.
If mailing in your Tax Payment, please include a telephone number that we can contact you at in case of any issues.
TOWN OF TROY N8870 Briggs Street East Troy, WI 53120 (262)642-5292
There are three ways to pay your Town of Troy Property Taxes:
1. By Mail (Most Efficient)
2. Drop Box
3. In Person
Regardless of which method you choose, please remember:
A. Full payment or 1st Installment due by January 31, 2019. Payable to the Town of Troy.
B. 2nd installment is due by July 31, 2019. Payable to the Walworth County Treasurer. Reminders will not be sent by Walworth County.
• The Town of Troy Does Not except Credit/Debit card payments.
• Please include the payment stub from the tax bill and a phone number that we can reach you at in case there is a question.
• If paying with cash, you must have the exact amount, The Town of Troy does not have cash on hand to make change.
• Receipt of payment will be mailed if the clerk is provided with a business sized, self-addressed, stamped envelope with your payment.
• Please endorse Tax Escrow Checks issued to you.
• Refund checks will be mailed the following month.
December and January Collection Hours: (With the exception of holidays)
Monday-Thursday 9:00am to 3:00pm Friday, December 28, 2018 4:00pm to 7:00pm
The drop box is located to the right of the Town Hall Mailbox. For security, please DO NOT leave payment on the top shelf of the box. Place in the slot marked “Insert Here” and do not put cash in the drop box.
Copies of the Property Tax Bill can be viewed and/or printed from the following link:
Town Chairman-John Kendall 262-470-3294
Supervisor-Thomas Lorden 262-642-3544
Supervisor-Kathleen Tober 262-642-5857
Clerk/Treasurer-Tracey Raymond 262-642-5292
Deputy Clerk Treasurer-Trudy Schulz deputy@townof 262-642-5292
Plan Comm. Secretary – Darrel Markham 262-642-5292
Public Works Supervisor – James Hart 262-642-5293
Building Inspector – Vince Budiac 262-366-2400
Troy Center Fire Department, Non-Emergency 262-642-5294
Assessor, Associated Appraisal 1-800-721-4157
All Town Board and Planning Commission Meetings are held at the Town of Troy Town Hall, located at N8870 Briggs Street, and start at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise posted. All meetings are posted, as required, at the Troy Town Hall; and on the Town of Troy website. Town Board meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Planning Commission meets the 1st Wednesday of the month.
REMINDERS: Effective from November 1 – April 1, there is No Parking on any Town Road or Right of Way (Ordinance 2004-2 Chapter 19). Snow or ice shall not be left on Town Roads from driveway plowing operations. Please keep your garbage/recycling carts off the right of way to prevent damage from plowing operations. 911 numbers must be kept visible at all times in case of emergency, and may not be moved from their installed location. (Ordinance 2005-6 Chapter 17).
**Contact the Town Building Inspector for Permit Requirements prior to any work being done, otherwise fees double!
This form is downloadable from the Town of Troy website:
**Please pay amount separately from property tax payments if possible. All dogs more than 5 months of age in the Town of Troy must have and wear a license tag by January 31st of each year or upon arrival in the Town limits. Please include a current rabies certificate showing proof of rabies. If paying by mail, include a business sized, self-addressed, stamped envelope to return license and tag.
FEES: (Exact amount of payment is required). Male or Female: Altered $12.00 Unaltered $30.00
Date: _______________ Owners Name: _____________________________Phone #: Address:____________________________________________________
Dogs Name___________ Breed_____________ Color______ Male __ Neutered __ Female __ Spayed __
Veterinarian: _________________ Date of Rabies Vaccination: _________ Rabies Expiration: _______
Dogs Name___________ Breed_____________ Color______ Male __ Neutered __ Female __ Spayed __
Veterinarian: _________________ Date of Rabies Vaccination: _________ Rabies Expiration: _______
Dogs Name___________ Breed_____________ Color______ Male __ Neutered __ Female __ Spayed __
Veterinarian: _________________ Date of Rabies Vaccination: _________ Rabies Expiration: _______